It’s possible to change the error pages served up by OAS/Apache by using the ErrorDocument directive. This is widely documented.
However, to get this to take effect in an oc4j application (such as analytics) you need to change mod_oc4j.conf too.
(I found this out from this post here)
Take backups of httpd.conf and mod_oc4j.conf, and then edit them as follows:
In httpd.conf add:
ErrorDocument 500 /500.html
where /500.html is a relative path to your custom document
In mod_oc4j.conf add to the end of the file:
Oc4jUseOHSErrors on
This will make any HTTP 500 (Internal Server error) errors show the page 500.html, instead of the default Apache one.
Don’t forget to bounce OHS after making this change:
opmnctl restartproc ias-component=HTTP_Server